Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ooh, scandalous!

I consider myself a very devoted High School Musical fan. I love everything about it including all the actors. Because of this, I was a little shocked and disappointed to hear about the most recent sex/nudity scandal in Hollywood. This latest one involved Vanessa Hudgens, one of the main characters in Disney's High School Musical movies.
I have been reading articles about it all over the internet. The first article I came across was actually in National Enquirer in Wal-Mart. I didn't believe it because, well, it's the National Enquirer.
When I got home I heard it on xl1067, the local radio station. They said had confirmed the story was true. So, I looked into it more.
The article I found to be most useful was from The National Ledger. According to them, Hudgens shot photos of herself nude and nearly nude to send to her boyfriend and costar Zac Efron. Somewhere along the lines, though, these photos made it to the Internet.
Most of the stories on the web are of the same thing; the background story and Hudgens' apology. Not the National Ledger. They were the only site that I could find that actually posted a link to the photos in question.
I'm not saying I want to see nude pictures of Hudgens, but when that is what the whole scandal revolves around, I think it's extremely important to take the reader to them.
I warn everyone, though, the first photo this link takes you to is just a picture of Hudgens. It is up to you to click on and see the more scandalous ones.
I commend the writer at the National Ledger, Angela Carson, for posting the link to the photos, no matter how scandalous they may be.
My only question after this whole thing, though, is where did the photos come from in the first place? No one seems to have an answer for that one.

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