Friday, September 7, 2007

Is this really news?

I'm so confused these days as to what qualifies as news. It seems like no matter what Britney Spears does, it's newsworthy. I read on article in Us Weekly today and I can't figure out what is newsworthy about it.
I know the purpose of Us Weekly is to publish all entertainment related news. I know Spears is a hot topic right now because of all her crazy antics. (i.e. head-shaving, return to the music industry, custody battle with K-Fed etc.) In this article, Brit Goes Clubbing the Night Before Rehearsals, it mentiones what Spears was wearing, what she had to drink and what time she turned in for the night. Is that something so important to publish?
I like to read entertainment news as much as the next person but I don't think I really need to know that she was sucking on a lollipop the night before her VMA rehearsal.
I think even the entertainment publications need to take a step back and really look at what they're publishing.


Mary-Elizabeth H. said...
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Mary-Elizabeth H. said...

Of course it's not news. It's dirt and the public has become so obsessed with dirt that they have forgotten what real news is. Normal people may not want to know what flavor Brit's pre-VMA lollipop was but there are always the super-fans who will do anything for the smallest, most insignificant bit of news about their favorite celebrity. And it is ridiculous - the whole world knows everyone's business so much so that, even the media itself has forgotten what is newsworthy. I completely share your desire for some actual news.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad someone posted about this. I just stumbled across an article about Spears' performance at the VMA's last night. Yes, she sucked, but why is it necessary to take up space in magazines and on the internet to tell us this? It is not newsworthy. It is not life or death (or important at all) that we know why Britney wore a skimpy outfit after having two children. I don't care if she is in rehab again or why she shaved her head! There are alot more important things going on in this world that I wish I would've stumbled upon!