Friday, September 14, 2007

The Daily Mistake

The newspaper where I come from in Ohio has been nicknamed "The Daily Mistake" by many people in the area. The article Volunteer Killed Responding to Fire Call, is not necessarily one full of mistakes but just one that makes The Daily Record out to be a not-quite-up-to-par publication.
This article is about a young man who was killed in while driving recklessly. The man, Jared Zimmerly, was a member of the reserve fire unit.
In this article, the writer references Zimmerly as well as his father. Rather than using their first names each time, she refers to Jared by his full name every single time. It almost makes the reader think his first name is JaredZimmerly. In Dr. Fedler's news reporting class he told us to just use first names when you have multiple people with the same last name. Especially in this case, since it is talking about the wonderful things Jared did and his untimely death, I think it would have been OK to refer to him as just Jared.
Another problem I had with this article was the lack of personality in some of the quotes. At the very beginning of the article, the writer quotes the fire chief twice and neither one is very strong. Since these quotes are so early in the story, they should be strong and really make a statement. The weak ones should be left to the end.
This story, sadly enough, is one of the better ones produced by this paper. It's published in Wooster, Ohio. It is the main source for local news in my hometown of Orrville. I found it frustrating while at home that so many things were constantly misprinted in this paper. They have even been known to misspell names of important people, such as the town mayor. Now that's something they should get right. Hence the nickname, the Daily Mistake.

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