Saturday, September 29, 2007

Long...but good

I came across a story from The New York Times Magazine about three young students from Bronxville and their college application process.
The story, Tense Times at Bronxville High, had the stories from three high school seniors in New York. The writer, Susan Dominus, told each student's story separately, but wove them together. The first student, Maria Devlin, is what I like to call the poster child for perfection. She is good at everything - the kind I love to hate. The second student, Winthrop Rutherford, wanted nothing other than to go to Princeton. And the third student, Alex Likovich, thought she had nothing to worry about when it came to her early decision application at Middlebury.
This story, isn't hard-pressed news, by any means, but it was really interesting. Dominus told these students' stories in a way that made me keep reading. I felt like I knew these kids - like maybe I went to school with them. Dominus made them relatable. She described them in a way that reminded me of people I went to school with. For instance, she talked about Rutherford's SAT scores and his love of military history and I couldn't help but thinking, hey, that reminds me of Brad from high school.
What I'm trying to say is, Dominus wrote in a conversational manner and that is my favorite type of writing. Two thumbs up for her.

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