Saturday, October 6, 2007

Comparing video

I heavily criticized the video on the Orlando Sentinel's website last week so I went searching for a publication that did a better job with online broadcast.
I found one.
On the Sacramento Bee's website, they have a multimedia section with video, audio, slideshows and more. I went to the video section and picked the first one. It's about bridge safety and bridge inspecting in their area.
I wouldn't really call this the most interesting video, but it is presented in a much better way than Matt Sokoloff's videos from the Orlando Sentinel.
This video is actually done out in the field - from a bucket truck hanging over the side of the bridge. The guy narrating is one of the bridge inspectors, so he's very knowledgable.
The video provides an inside look at what these men do day in and day out. Their jobs are probably underappreciated. People often forget about workers like these men and the amazing work they do. In that sense, I think this video is highly important because it shows the people in the Sacramento area how these men protect their safety.
Plus, I don't think it takes much to outdo Sokoloff at the Sentinel.

1 comment:

Mary-Elizabeth H. said...

Well someone has got to supply the world with good online video. And it doesn't surprise me that the Sacramento Bee is one of the best newspapers putting video out on the web - the Bee has great media packages, like the series "Tackling Life". It just makes sense that the video casts would be up to that same caliber. I think a lot of people are disappointed with the quality of the Sentinel's newscasts, I wrote about their lack of quality last week. I'm just going to try to focus on the things that the Sentinel does well. And you were right, Hedy, it doesn't take a lot to out do Matt Sokolove.